All Ireland turf cutting championship

Unique event. The all Ireland turf cutting championship 2010

Ticknevin BogCarbury

Event Details

  • Sun 6 Jun  2010
  • 11;00

  • Venue Details
    Ticknevin Bog


A unique event, The all Ireland turf cutting championship 2010 will take place at the Ticknevin Bog Kildare on Sunday June 6 2010, this may me the last oppertunity to ever see this traditional act as the EU are banning turfcutting on many Bogs in Offaly, Kildare, and many other bogs around Ireland. I would suggest that a photographic record should be made of this final event.

From Clane to Prosperous Main road to Derrinturn then turn off for Ticknevin.

This is a community event, Donations recieved go to the local National (junior) School

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