Launch of Clane Local History Group's New Journal

Clane Local History Group's new publication will be launched at the GAA centre on the Prosperous Road

Clane GAA HallClane

Event Details

  • Wed 18 Apr  2012
  • 8.00pm

  • Venue Details
    Clane GAA Hall

    Prosperous Road

Launch of the inaugural edition of Clane Local History Group’s new journal.

The new publication will be launched at the GAA centre on the Prosperous Road by Mario Corrigan of Kildare County Council’s Art and Heritage services.

The journal is called Coiseanna in remembrance of Clane’s bloody battle of 1798 which was fought on the edge of Capdoo commons. The objective of the journal is to keep alive, communicate and share the rich evidence of Clane’s heritage which is to be found in our historic surroundings.

The evening will be chaired by our Chairman, John Noonan, while the journal will be introduced by its editor, Jim Heffernan. In view of the proximity of the centenary date of the Titanic disaster, Pat Given will give a short talk on Clane’s link with that tragic event before Mario Corrigan officially declares the journal launched.

The very comprehensive contents list of the first edition of the journal contains many articles embracing novel accounts of people, places and events with Clane connections.

The launch of the journal in this particular year was entirely coincidental, yet in the process of editing submitted articles, we were surprised to learn that this year marks an auspicious centenary anniversary for no less than two of the subjects covered in the contents.

Currently the sad events surrounding the Titanic disaster are an everyday news item but for Clane residents a new interest in this tragedy will be awakened by the article on one of our early dispensary doctors who lost his life in the cold Atlantic waters exactly one hundred years ago.

In October 1912, again one hundred years ago, the great Tommy Conneff was drowned in the Pasig River in the Philippines. There are numerous other items of major local interest such as the fascinating life-story of a World War 1 hero, the gifted genealogy of the Griffith family and the politics behind the building of Clane’s numerous Parnell cottages.

Among other articles is an account of the local folklore concerning strange happenings around Clane and the journal even provides directions on accessing a previously unrecorded list of Clane’s Catholic parishioners in 1880.

Mark the date in your diaries now and be sure not to miss a really historic occasion.

All are very welcome.

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