Shackleton Autumn School 2015

Polar Theme for the 15th Annual Event in South Kildare

Athy Heritage Centre MuseumAthy

Event Details

  • Fri 23 Oct - Mon 26 Oct  2015

  • Venue Details
    Athy Heritage Centre Museum

    Shackleton Museum
    Town Hall, Emily Square

Friday, 23rd October

Official Opening & Exhibition Launch7.30pm

Book Launch 8.00 pm in Athy Heritage Centre – Museum.

In association with the History Press the school is delighted to host the launch of From Ice Floes to Battlefields: Scott’s ‘Antarctics’ in the First World War by Anne Strathie.

From Ice Floes to Battlefields draws on previously unpublished journals, letters and other archive material to throw new light on the Terra Nova expedition and on ‘what happened next’ to Scott’s ‘Antarctics’, men who had taken part in Scott’s 1910-13 Terra Nova expedition and, in several cases, in Shackleton’s Nimrod and Endurance expeditions.

Exhibition: "Life on the Line"

LIFE ON THE LINE celebrates the variety of existence in the circumpolar Arctic, in the face of overwhelming environmental and cultural change. Over a number of years, photographer Cristian Barnett has journeyed to the Arctic Circle, an invisible line of latitude 66 degrees and 33 minutes north of the Equator. The line intersects eight countries and is home to a rich diversity of peoples for whom the sun never sets in high summer, nor rises in deepest winter. This exhibition is drawn from his book Life on the Line, recently published by Polarworld and on sale in the Museum shop. All the photographs were taken on film within thirty-five miles of the Arctic Circle.

Saturday, 24th October

Lecture Series Athy Library

10.00am “Shackleton's Crossing of Antarctica – Could they have done it?”
Robert Burton 

Admission €10

11.20 “Captain Scott, The Modern Traveller ” Dr Phillip Sidney

Admission €10

12.10 “Lessons from a Polar Explorer about Success” Dr Jesús Alcoba

Admission €10

2.30pm “Survival and Sacrifice in Mars Exploration - What we know from Polar Expeditions"
Dr Erik Seedhouse

Admission €10
3.30pm “Scurvy and Polar Exploration”
Dr Kevin McKenna

Admission €10

4.30pm 'Icebreakers' A series of short presentations on topics relevant to the Shackleton Autumn School, presented by those with a passion for their subject.

Admission Free

Dinner 8pm Autumn School Dinner in Clanard Court Hotel, Athy
Tickets €40

Sunday, 25th October Athy Library

Lecture Series

10.00am “Penguin legs are good cold" - notes from the Scott Polar Archives”
Naomi Boneham

Admission €10

10.50am TEA/COFFEE

11.20am 'Wintering over in Antarctica - 15 months at the French station
Dumont d’Urville ' Samuel Blanc            

Admission €10

12.10pm “Over by Christmas? Back by 1915? New worlds for Scott’s and Shackleton’s men."
Anne Strathie

Admission €10


Film Athy Library

2.30pm Antarctica – A Year On Ice

Antarctica: A Year On Ice is a visually stunning film that lets you experience what it is like to live in Antarctica for a full year, including winters isolated from the rest of the world, while enduring months of darkness in the harshest place on Earth.  Anthony Powell has been working in Antarctica with his wife Christine for many years. After over 10 years of filming, his documentary isnow complete.  Anthony has had his work appear in numerous films, exhibits and TV shows. He most recently featured in the Emmy Award-winning BBC series, The Frozen Planet.

Admission €10

4.00pm Open Forum – Chaired by Bob Headland

Cultural Evening Athy Dominican Church


8.00pm ‘Shackleton's Endurance’ Performance

"Shackleton's Endurance" is a widely acclaimed re-telling of the story of Ernest Shackleton’s 1914 Trans-Antarctic Expedition. Craig Blackwell’s  visuals, Brian Hughes' composition and John MacKenna's narrative capture the emotions underlying this epic tale, from the optimism of departure through shipwrecked desolation, and finally the euphoria  of  rescue. The  performers  will  be  joined  onstage  by  Kildare  County Orchestra, Monasterevin Gospel Choir and invited musicians.Commissioned by Athy Heritage Centre-Museum with support from Kildare County Council's Arts and Library Services, the performance premiered in GBS Theatre Carlow as part of the 2015 Shackleton Autumn School. Composer and Athy resident Brian Hughes has seized on the recent availability of a suitable venue to fulfill his ambition of staging “Shackleton’s Endurance” in his and Shackleton’s home locality.    

Admission €15

Monday, 26th October 2015

Field Trip Assemble at The Heritage Centre – Museum

10.00am Bus tour through Shackleton country. A Visit to Ballitore and the home of Mary Leadbeater, writer and ancestor of Ernest Shackleton and Quaker Meeting House. Fare €10

If you would like to attend the school  please complete the booking form and return to Athy Heritage Centre Museum along with your payment  at your earliest convenience to secure your place at this year’s  Autumn School.  (Payment can be made  by cheque to Athy Heritage Co Ltd or alternatively you can telephone the office between 10am-1pm / 2pm-5pm  Monday to Friday to make a credit card payment.) 

Contact : Athy Heritage Centre-Museum 00353 598633075 Email: Websites:

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