Brigid's Way Along the Canal

A 16-20 km walk of enchantment and beauty in Kildare from Robertstown, along the canal to Donadea Forest Park. Immerse yourself in the beauty of Brigid??s Way and learn about the canal.

Donadea Forest ParkDonadea

Event Details

  • Sun 30 Aug  2015
  • 14:30 PM to 19:00 PM

  • Cost: Adult ???5 Child ???3

  • Venue Details
    Donadea Forest Park


Cars will be left in Donadea Forest Park at a maximum cost of €5 per car. A bus will take us to Robertstown to start the walk. If you prefer to organise your own transport, please meet us at Robertstown Lock at 15.00.

Booking is essential to secure place on the bus. There will be a warm welcome in Donadea Forest Park with guided tours available.

Donations to the Friends of Donadea Forest Park welcome.

Is Booking Required: Yes

Admission (Adult): €5

Admission (Child): €3

Suitable for Children: Yes

Wheelchair Access:

Car parking Available: Yes

Event Contact Details

Please use the contact details below if they differ from the venue contact details.

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