The Archaeology of the Easter Rising

Lecture by Franc Myles.

Teach Diarmada Community CentreCastledermot

Event Details

  • Tue 26 Jan  2016
  • 8.00pm

  • Cost: ???2 - members free

  • Venue Details
    Teach Diarmada Community Centre


'The Archaeology of the Easter Rising' with archaeologist Franc Myles and is happening on Tuesday January 26th at 8 p.m. in Teach Diarmada, Castledermot.

Franc will be talking about what archaeology can tell us about the Easter Rising, particularly looking at investigations at Moore Street and Henry Place, adjacent to the G.P.O., but also asking what these sites mean to us today? Timely questions given the on-going controversy around the neglect and planned re-development of the Moore Street site of the G.P.O. garrison's surrender.

This is one of a series of monthly public lectures marking the one hundreth anniversary of the Easter Rising.

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