Celbridge HS AGM & Talk: Aidan Higgins

The next AGM of Celbridge Historical Society will be held on Monday, 1 February 2016 at 7.30 p.m. in Celbridge Library.

Celbridge LibraryCelbridge

Event Details

  • Mon 1 Feb  2016
  • 19:30

  • Venue Details
    Celbridge Library

    St. Patrick's Park

Following the AGM at 8.15 p.m., author and film-maker Neil Donnelly will give a talk on the late Celbridge-born author, Aidan Higgins, entitled "Springfield – The Past is never Dead".

As usual, the outgoing Committee will retire at the AGM.  The 2015 Committee: Chairperson: Jeanne Meldon; Treasurer: Lynne Geraghty; Secretary: Nuala Walker; committee members Penny Woods; Kay Carroll; Margaret O’Shea, deputy Chair.

Some outgoing members are willing to stand for re-election and nominations for active new Committee members are always welcome.  You are invited to submit your nominations in advance of the election - (nominee, proposer, seconder) by midday on Monday 1 February.  (N.B. to take part in the election, please ensure your subscription is up to date).

The strength of the Society depends on your support of our activities, so your attendance and participation in the AGM are much appreciated.

Membership fees (including insurance) for 2016 remain unchanged from previous years: individual membership €20; family €30.

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