Deputy refutes 'accusation of corruption' claim

25th October, 2001.

Dear Editor,

In reply to the letter from the Fianna Fáil General Election Candidate, Paul Kelly, I wish to make the following points:-

At the Council meeting on Monday last I made no accusations of corruption or bribery in Kildare or elsewhere.

I pointed out that the Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael organisations receive large scale funding from developers and builders and that these payments were made legally.

I also said that it was most undesirable for those who were making planning or zoning decisions to have their organisations funded by those who stood to gain from the decisions made, namely builders and developers, regardless of the legality of the transactions.

It is widely believed that such payments and funding adversely effect the zoning of land, which is an essential part of the planning process.

The present Fianna Fáil-led Government, in recognition of this widespread belief, has established a Tribunal of Inquiry to examine this whole area and has introduced special legislation to prevent the type of large scale payments that were the norm heretofore.

The new leader of Fine Gael, Michael Noonan TD, has banned all such payments to his Party at national and local level.

I pose the question: if there was no problem with such payments and if there was not serious concern about their effects, why has this drastic action been taken by Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael? I welcome their actions, which were demanded by an angry and scandalised public.

I reject the lawyerly twisting of words used by the Fianna Fáil General Election candidate (I suppose he is electioneering as well).

Councillors are elected by the public to represent them and to contribute at Council on their behalf. When did such contributions constitute 'interference in the process'?

I never used the words 'corruption' or 'bribe' and I certainly never suggested that any member of Kildare County Council or the staff were involved in either.

I am in fact fully satisfied that they are not now or never been so involved. These suggestions come from my opponent in the forthcoming General Election, Paul Kelly. They are HIS weasel words and not mine.

The meeting of the Council was adjourned by the Fianna Fáil Chairperson and not by me.

I am accused of delaying the benefits of the Maynooth Plan. it should be noted that the Plan is under consideration for the past two years and it was the usual coalition of Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael councillors who were opposing its adoption last Monday. It is amazing how they are always at one on planning issues.

I want to tell the Fianna Fáil candidate, Paul Kelly, that I will do my duty as I see fit. I do not need and will not accept lectures on my methodology from him. I will not be bullied into silence by any combination of Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael and I will go before the public when the time comes and will accept their verdict on my record.

Yours sincerely,

Cllr Emmet M. Stagg TD.