Summer's Coming, Get Out And Enjoy It!

Summer's Coming, Get Out And Enjoy It!

A free service is putting a spring in the step of Kildareā€™s over 50s with a free exercise DVD to get you started.

Go for Life FitLine is running in Kildare to help over 50s get active this summer. 

David from Maynooth has reaped great benefits from it.  He says:

 “I find FitLine great for motivating me when I start to slack off from exercising. It gives me a shot in the arm to get going again”.  

The FitLine telephone mentors who are based in Maynooth can help you find out about facilities, clubs, classes and groups in your local area or if you would like to exercise at home, they can post you a free exercise DVD, designed especially for over 50s.  Our mentors can help you work out an activity routine that you can do alone or with other people.  They’ll help you with a plan that suits your lifestyle or if you just want to chat, they have lots of ideas about how you could do simple things to get some healthy activity into your routine.  

After you’ve made the first call, they’ll arrange a time to ring you every few weeks until you’re happy with your progress. “What’s great about FitLine is that the volunteers making the calls have themselves been through the ups and downs of trying to be active” said Mary Harkin, Go for Life’s Programme Manager.  The volunteer mentors have an interest in physical activity, are great listeners and have been trained in techniques to encourage and motivate people to be active.  They give praise when things are going well, and encouragement to keep going when motivation is low.  They know that developing healthy habits takes time. 

People interested in getting more active or in getting the free DVD can call Go for Life FitLine for free on 1800 303 545 between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday.  

For further information contact: Ciara Dawson, Age & Opportunity,; 01 805 7733; 087 6380207

Go for Life is the National Programme for Sport and Physical Activity for Older People.  Go for Life is an Age & Opportunity initiative which is funded by the Irish Sports Council.

Further details about the Go for Life Programme can be found on  

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