Events Archive

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Kay began creating artist books when in University and over the last few years has evolved into blank notebooks.

HORROR FOR ALL. Halloween Film Festival, John Hume Lecture Hall 2 NUI Maynooth

Celebrate with FADA and your community and raise your spirits. Beat the world crisis blues. Taste, smell, hear and see Newbridge in a new light. Sow some seeds for your community in a fun, positive way. Gather ideas, information. Be creative. Jam-pac

The 2009 Mondello Park Motorcycle Track Day season is almost complete but we can now offer one more chance to get on track before the winter sets in.

Learn to play new tunes and improve techniques.

Come to Leixlip Library and meet exotic creatures!

Following a long lay-off the Car Track Day season gets back in action for what is currently the last scheduled track day before this season's customer loyalty day.

Brannockstown Baptist Church is hosting an evening performance by the Tigh Linn Men's Gospel Choir on Sunday night, 25 October at 7:00pm.

IWAI Kildare/HBA Heritage Boats Association boat rally

How to make the best use of the abundance of your garden, throughout the year

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