Kilcock Celtic 6 Prosperous United 1 U11

U11 SFAI Menton-Seery Cup
Kilcock Celtic 6 Prosperous United 1
Sept 25th
This game was played in very good spirit with both teams going close early on . (See Match Reports section for more…) 

Kilcock hit the crossbar with a shot from Coner Drew, then Prosperous went down the field and a last minute tackle from Jordan Maloney prevented the visitors taking an early lead.
Kilcock then got on the scoreboard with a well worked goal finished by Aaron Norris.
Remi Karem & Dylan Bradley started to control midfield and with Caoilin O’Rourke outstanding on the left wing, Kilcock put United under a lot of pressure further goals came from Conor Dew Stokes, Remi Karem, Michael McNamara and Dylan Bradley. The visitors played good football and were much more in the game than the score-line suggests. Best for Prosperous were Johnny Byrne, Ruadhan Glover and Ciaran Ward

by raydully on September 27, 2010 ·

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